Meet Kayla! This is her senior year at St. Charles North and she wanted something fun for her senior portraits to commemorate the end of childhood and new beginnings. (Don't cry, Mom!) I have known Kayla for many years and realize that is a shy, quiet young lady who does not like the attention all on her. I find her to be very sophisticated for an 18 year old. She is poised in style and thought. Training as a dancer for many years gives her a grace and regal beauty that I really appreciate. It also makes her a natural at posing as she knows her lines and body well enough to select the most flattering poses on her own. I just sort of become a fly and watch with my lens.
During our session, Kayla told me she is planning to study nursing in college. She has since selected Illinois State University. I am excited to see the growth and adventures ahead for her there as she meets new friends, branches out to an environment without her twin brother and finds her path to success. I asked what advice she would give to a new high school student, now that she has done her four years at SCN. She said, "I would tell them to work really hard in their studies because it can really help you a lot in the long run. While the social stuff is fun and is necessary, if you have a test you have to study for, maybe study for the test a little before going out. You just have to find the perfect balance." Those words of advice sound as if Kayla will do just fine in college. She figured it out already!
One thing that Kayla and her brother always radiate to me is their love of being together and with family. The four are very tightly woven together and I know that Mom and Dad, while proud, are not looking forward to an empty nest. Kayla said that her mom and dad have been her biggest inspirations. "They selflessly work hard to contribute to a better life for me. They work so hard and it doesn't go unnoticed. I really admire them and could not be more grateful for them." (Now, I'm crying!)
What a pleasure to have watched Kayla become the woman she is today! I am blessed to have had a window into her journey!
*After I wrote this blog and saved it for later, I saw Kayla leap-frogging with friends in the school hallway! Just had to add that in so she knows I caught her being silly!