I was taking an online class the other day and the instructor asked us a question that really got me thinking. "Why has education been important in your career?" I thought back to all of the classes I sat through in college that I was "forced" to take for a requirement. I remembered the Asian Art History class where I scored my highest grade ever and the Spanish IV class where I begged the professor for a D so I could graduate. Both of these classes became relevant to my current career choice. Somehow, all the steps I took in college, graduate school and post graduate work have something to do with what I became as a person. From that really boring Plant Biology to the Elementary Special Education class, all taught me something I use. I now have sons who are on the cusp of education and career choices and I have some advice for them. Most importantly, do what you really love and learn to learn more! Maybe you don't think a class choice will be relevant, but I guarantee that somewhere in life it will be. You might remember a line from the book that helps you make an important choice. A lesson from the group project that will be useful when you have to work in a career group or make decisions with others. I have always said that I would stay in school forever if someone would pay for it. There is something very satisfying and self-fulfilling about learning something new and then using your skill. I am always looking for some continuing education or seminar or workshop to improve myself in one way or another. Even TED talks work! If you find something you love: GO GET IT!